How to orchestrate your promotional campaigns for Black Friday?

Publié le : 22 October 2024 par Elise Hosemans

Black Friday has become a key moment for businesses looking to maximize their online sales. Black Friday promotional campaigns can lead to record-breaking revenues, with consumers eager for great deals and willing to spend more than at any other time of the year. In 2023, Black Friday sales reached a global record of $9.8 billion in a single day, exclusively from online transactions. Among these, email marketing emerged as an essential tool: in 2022, email campaigns accounted for 25% of total Black Friday revenue.

With such competitive pressure and consumers flooded with offers, email marketing helps you stand out through a personalized and strategic approach. It’s no longer enough to send generic promotions; brands now need to segment their audience, offer exclusive deals, and precisely orchestrate the timing and content of their campaigns to maximize engagement.
To capture your audience’s attention in such a crowded space, it’s essential to carefully plan the structure of your campaigns in advance. Properly orchestrating your Black Friday promotional campaigns is not just a one-time commercial opportunity, but a way to sustainably boost your marketing performance.

Here are the expert tips from Dartagnan’s Email Builder to help you succeed.

Tip #1: Create dedicated, varied, and exclusive offers to integrate into your Black Friday promotional campaigns

To capture your subscribers’ attention and drive them to action, offer exclusive deals that can’t be found elsewhere. This can include additional discounts or limited-edition products. In 2022, exclusive email promotions increased conversion rates by 30% during Black Friday. The more unique the offer, the greater the sense of urgency it creates.

Highlight product bundles

Black Friday is ideal for boosting sales volume. Create bundles (product sets) that intelligently combine your brand’s top-selling products with those you want to clear out. For consumers, this creates the impression of a more valuable offer.

Offer discount coupons

Black Friday is synonymous with instant discounts. Sometimes, the incentive power of discount coupons is overlooked. It encourages customers to increase their cart value while giving them the impression of saving money. For sellers, it’s a way to guarantee a minimum sales threshold, as customers need to spend a certain amount to take advantage of the offer.

Offer free shipping

Offering free shipping above a certain amount can significantly boost your sales. By adding benefits such as free returns or responsive customer service, you reassure your subscribers and improve the customer experience, which can turn hesitation into a purchase. This allows you to diversify your promotional offers while staying attractive to your customers.

Offer advantageous gift cards

With the holiday season approaching, take the opportunity to promote gift cards to your subscribers during Black Friday. They’ll be more than happy to ease the mental load of holiday shopping at a discounted price. You can also follow the example of some retailers and offer gift cards with a value higher than their purchase price.

Tip #2: Create a sense of urgency around your offers

Black Friday is synonymous with speed and limited opportunities. Creating a sense of urgency in your emails is a powerful strategy to drive your subscribers to take action. By highlighting short-lived offers and tight deadlines, you maximize the impact of your Black Friday promotional campaigns and increase your conversion rates. Here are some key techniques to reinforce this urgency.

Use countdowns and urgency messages

Nothing is more effective than a visual reminder of time passing. Adding dynamic countdowns to your emails increases purchase pressure. According to a 2023 study, countdowns boost conversions by 22% during Black Friday, as they create a palpable sense of urgency. This visual tool makes the deadline clear and prompts quick action.

Focus on limited-time offers

Ephemeral offers, such as promotions valid for 24 or 48 hours or flash sales over short time slots, are an excellent way to trigger immediate action by adding extra pressure.
Segment your Black Friday promotional campaigns into multiple waves of emails, revealing offers at regular intervals throughout the day. This staggered approach keeps your subscribers interested and curious while creating decision points throughout the day.

Tip #3: Highlight your offers in the design of your Black Friday promotional campaigns

The essence of Black Friday is promotion. During this time, your consumers receive a flood of emails. Your mission: make sure your offer is immediately visible and irresistible. The design of your emails will help: it should grab attention at a glance while clearly and effectively showcasing your promotions.

Emphasize your offers right from the email opening

Your subscribers are looking for special deals during Black Friday, so make it easy for them. Display your major discounts or promotions in bold text at the start of the email, for example: “-50% off everything.” Use bold typography so that the offer is impossible to miss from the moment they open the email. This clarity and quick access to information increase your chances of conversion.

Use striking colors and large fonts

Bold colors are ideal for highlighting important offers, especially when contrasted with a black background. These colors immediately grab attention and make your discounts stand out in your subscribers’ inboxes. Ensure that the contrast is high enough for easy reading, no matter the email’s background.

In parallel, feel free to use significantly larger fonts for titles and taglines related to your promo offers. That’s the only thing your consumers want to see in your campaigns.

Promotional Black Friday Campaigns

Integrate GIFs and dynamic visuals

GIFs and animations add movement and energy to your emails, capturing recipients’ attention more effectively than static images. A well-placed GIF, especially in the header of your campaign, can highlight a product or visually showcase a discount in an engaging way.

A 2022 study shows that emails with GIFs have a 12% higher click rate. However, ensure that these animations don’t slow down the email’s loading time.

Tip #4: Plan your strategy in advance and prepare your Black Friday promotional campaigns early

The success of your Black Friday campaign relies on careful preparation. It’s essential to anticipate the rush by launching your strategy as early as mid-October. This keeps your brand top of mind for consumers while generating excitement around upcoming offers. A well-organized calendar helps you structure your communications and sets the stage for a successful launch.

Promotional Black Friday Campaigns

Create a sense of exclusivity

To enhance the appeal of your offers, provide sneak peeks to your most loyal customers. Whether it’s early access to sales or subscriber-only promotions, this approach rewards your customers’ loyalty while boosting your sales. Early sign-ups or newsletter subscribers can receive exclusive treatment, which also helps improve customer retention.

Be strategic with timing and repetition

During Black Friday, competition is fierce, with 60% of brands sending multiple emails between Black Friday and Cyber Monday. To stand out, it’s crucial to launch your campaigns well in advance with eye-catching email designs and attractive offers. Repeat your key messages several times before and during the event, maintaining dynamic content to capture your subscribers’ attention and prevent them from becoming overwhelmed by competing offers.

Tip #5: Carefully choose the offers and products you highlight

Personalization is a key lever for maximizing the impact of your Black Friday promotional campaigns. Leverage customer data you’ve gathered to create offers tailored to your subscribers’ preferences and buying behaviors. According to a 2023 study, personalized emails generate conversion rates six times higher than those that are not. By segmenting your audience and sending targeted promotions to each segment, you enhance the relevance of your campaigns and improve engagement.

Use advanced CRM techniques

Analyze which products interest your customers the most and prioritize showcasing them in your campaigns while segmenting your audience according to their shopping habits. Identify frequently viewed items or those added to carts without completing the purchase, and offer targeted discounts on these products. This not only boosts sales on popular items but also captures the attention of your regular visitors.

Reengage abandoned products

Black Friday is the perfect opportunity to revive visibility for your in-stock products. Analyze items often left in carts or removed before checkout. Offer attractive discounts on these products, promoting them even before Black Friday. This could trigger renewed interest in these “dormant” products and help clear your inventory by encouraging purchases.

Create exclusive offers based on buying behavior

Add an extra touch to your personalization by offering discounts based on your subscribers’ recent purchasing behavior. For instance, provide discounts on complementary products related to what they’ve already bought or viewed. By directly linking their consumption habits to your offers, you increase your chances of conversion while enhancing their shopping experience.

Tip #6: Don’t neglect your post-black friday emails

Black Friday is just the beginning of your promotional strategy. The days that follow represent a key opportunity to reengage those who haven’t purchased yet and maximize sales. In 2022, emails sent during the weekend following Black Friday generated 20% of the total revenue for the period, demonstrating that the potential for conversion doesn’t stop on Friday.

Follow up with last-minute offers

Send personalized reminders to subscribers who haven’t made purchases during Black Friday. You can offer them last-minute deals or even extend certain promotions through the end of the weekend. This is an effective way to capture the attention of indecisive customers and extend the life of your promotions.

Promotional Black Friday Campaigns

Leverage Cyber Monday to extend the Black Friday effect

The Monday following Black Friday, known as Cyber Monday, is a natural extension of Black Friday, especially focused on online promotions. This day has become essential for consumers looking to finalize their purchases or snag the last great deals. Plan a dedicated Cyber Monday email campaign to reignite interest and offer exclusive deals that are only valid on that day.

Tailor your post-Black Friday emails based on observed behaviors

Adapt your post-Black Friday emails based on the behaviors observed during the period. For example, target those who opened your emails but did not make a purchase, or those who left products in their cart. These personalized follow-ups can significantly increase your conversion rates and help you maintain a steady flow of sales until the end of Cyber Monday.

Tip #7: Try an anti-Black Friday approach

While Black Friday is synonymous with frenzied consumption, you can take the opposite approach by adopting an anti-Black Friday strategy. Instead of offering massive discounts, steer your communications toward responsible actions aligned with your values. This alternative approach attracts customers seeking meaning and allows you to differentiate yourself from the competition while affirming your identity.

Highlight donations and social causes

Replace your promotions with donation initiatives. For instance, for every purchase made during Black Friday, a portion of the profits could be donated to a charitable organization. This resonates with consumers who are sensitive to social and environmental issues. An email emphasizing your commitment to a particular cause can have a significant impact, especially as it contrasts with the majority of campaigns centered on promotions.

Promote responsible and sustainable products

Seize the opportunity to showcase your eco-friendly or fair trade products. Highlighting sustainable, recycled, or second-hand products can attract customers concerned about their environmental impact. In 2023, over 70% of consumers said they were willing to pay more for sustainable products. Clear communication around your commitment to sustainability will enhance your brand image.

Promotional Black Friday Campaigns

Emphasize your values and story

Rather than focusing your campaign solely on products or offers, tell your brand’s story. Highlight the values that guide you, the impact you want to have on society and the environment. This is an excellent opportunity to strengthen the emotional bond with your audience by offering something deeper than just promotions.

Test and segment

Don’t rely entirely on this approach, as it remains risky in terms of performance. You can analyze the behavior and purchasing history of your consumers and engage a specific segment of your audience to measure the impact.

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