visuel Very Chic stratégie marketing hotel luxe

VeryChic Emails for luxury Hotel stay marketing strategy

Publié le : 31 January 2023 par Amandine Baptista

When VeryChic promotes a stay at a luxury hotel, such as the Pullman Paris Montparnasse, it certainly needs a 4-star approach!

Marketing for the luxury sector, and especially for luxury hotel stays, is a demanding discipline that targets a discerning audience and requires a unique touch to leave a lasting impression.

This explains VeryChic’s highly relevant brand positioning: more than just a travel agency, it’s a creator of exclusive and prestigious moments and experiences.

To optimize its strategy and enhance its luxury stays, VeryChic has bet on email marketing. And it’s a winning bet:

👊 High-end design
👊 Attractive UX
👊 Irresistible atmosphere and storytelling

Everything contributes to making this email a model of refinement and elegance, reflecting the unforgettable experience promised to its recipients.

👉 Enjoy the VeryChic x Dartagnan collaboration, and learn how to captivate your clients and stand out with class.

Learn more: Want to see the result of a collaboration with the Dartagnan teams? Discover our client cases.
Stratégie marketing pour hôtel de luxe : full email VeryChic

High-end design for luxury hotel stays

What is a luxury hotel stay if not a certain experience of comfort and the senses? VeryChic understands this well, leveraging the visual power of email to highlight the refinement and elegance of the Pullman Hotel.

💥 Interiors, exteriors, gourmet restaurant, trendy bar, panoramic terrace, prestigious room, connected gym: the selection of ultra-polished photos throughout this email hints at an exceptional experience, both prestigious and memorable.

hôtel de luxe : terrasse panorama
Terrace of the Pullman, Paris Montparnasse

💥 The choice of landscape format for these photos, sometimes even full-width, creates a panoramic effect that matches this majestic 32-story hotel and the district that hosts it: Montparnasse Tower, the tallest tower in the capital.

💥 VeryChic also opts for a header showcasing an unbeatable view of Paris, dominated by the Eiffel Tower. This opening sets the tone for the capital’s chic and the hotel’s exceptional nature.

💥 The luxury of the venue and the photos is balanced by VeryChic’s design choices: white background, black typography and CTA, Poppins and Josefin Sans fonts. This subtle contrast between opulence and minimalism creates a modern and elegant design, reflecting the hotel, its interiors, and its decor.

Stratégie marketing pour hôtel de luxe : choix des photos

This design captures the essence of the VeryChic brand: refinement, elegance, high-end stays, and dream vacations.

Impactful UX for an unforgettable experience

When your name is VeryChic, you set the bar high for customer expectations and experiences. The brand’s emails must therefore also offer a high-end user experience that meets VeryChic’s standards.

Slider email VeryChic

💥 At this point, we can only applaud the clever Slider placed just below the header. With its full-width format and prime position at the start of the email, you can browse through the different interior spaces of the hotel and get a panoramic view, without leaving the email!

  • A room for two with a refined decoration
  • Trendy and colorful bar
  • Gourmet restaurant
  • Ultra-modern gym

More than enticing, the announced program is irresistible, and the experience promises to be extraordinary.

💥 The rectangular or border-radius CTAs placed just below, highlighted by the black-and-white contrast, leave nothing to chance. Everything is designed to facilitate the user journey and make booking as easy as possible.

CTA email VéryChic

💥 The following staggered layout achieves two things:

  • Highlighting the various services and perks that make this stay an exceptional moment
  • Encouraging the subscriber to scroll through the email to discover the full range of offers available to them
Quinconce VeryChic

💥 The panoramic view in the header is echoed by the one before the footer: a nice parallel to conclude the offer in style. This time, the agency directs us to a curated selection of its most beautiful addresses.

Header email stratégie marketing pour hôtel de luxe

From dusk to dawn, if the color filters are to be believed, VeryChic is full of ideas to enrich the user experience just as much as the customer experience!

Footer email VeryChic
Learn more: To enhance the user experience of your emails, we explain everything you need to know to create animated, dynamic, and interactive emails.

An elegant atmosphere for an exceptional moment

VeryChic’s content? Content that reflects the brand and its well-deserved name: elegant and refined. The email is no exception to this rule!

photo ambiance nuit

💥 The choice of a nighttime scenography in all the featured photos is particularly appreciated:

  • Cozy ambiance
  • Charming setting

You feel like a VIP guest at a select soirée!

stratégie marketing pour hôtel de luxe : photos paysage
Panoramic view

💥 The photos taken from the top of the hotel, which open, close, and punctuate this email, give us a sense of elevation. The use of full width, surprisingly, enhances this panoramic impression. It’s as impressive as it is beautiful, and above all, it’s very enticing!

Exemple de copywriting
Copywriting Skybar

💥 Finally, the copywriting contributes to the distinction of the whole and completely convinces us. Whether it’s about an “Unbeatable view, sweet life, authentic village, Parisian rendezvous” or about “rising above” and “being seduced,” the Voyage Invitation offered by VeryChic is truly tempting, and the experience it promises is irresistible.

copywriting hôtel de luxe
Location copywriting

To conclude, for those who consider email the poor cousin of Design, we highly recommend letting yourself be swept away by the VeryChic experience.

👏 Bravo VeryChic. At Dartagnan, we love it!

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