Improve your Email production processes: How Dartagnan makes your teams’ work easier

Publié le : 25 September 2024 par Elise Hosemans

The performance of your email strategy depends as much on the quality of the emails generated by the tool as on the ease of use of the email builder you choose. Today, one of the main challenges in your CRM strategies is to improve your email production processes to generate high volumes of campaigns in minimal time while staying as responsive as possible to market demands and your daily business needs.

To meet this challenge, you need to choose an Email Builder that allows you to streamline production without complicating your processes. Since a Drag-and-Drop interface is no longer a distinguishing feature, you must carefully examine the overall product philosophy of your Builder. In this regard, Dartagnan delivers on its promises. To prove it, here are the key features of our marketing email editor that make your team’s work easier and allow you to significantly speed up your production, design, and approval processes.

Modular email design system: How to design and scale campaigns infinitely

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Do you see the difference between LEGO and Playmobil? Well, that’s exactly what we’re talking about here. Some Builders offer you pre-designed email templates—just like buying a Playmobil set that comes fully designed (Pirates, Dinosaurs, Farm, Dollhouse, Cars, Firefighters, etc.). On the other hand, there are Builders that work more like a box of LEGO: within your designer, you have a variety of elements (modules, atoms, bricks) that you can use to build your campaign, and you can structure them however you want. To be precise, you’ll find this modular system in almost every email solution. However, the more your philosophy leans towards pre-designed templates, the more rigid, constrained, and limited your modular system will be.

Améliorer vos process de production emailing

What does it bring to you?

Playmobil might seem great at first glance—well-designed, easy to use, and ready to go. The problem is, you can’t play farmer with a spaceship. In short, you’re limited by your template, which you can’t change, or only very minimally. On the other hand, with LEGO bricks, you can create whatever worlds you want, break them down, and rebuild them endlessly. The same goes for your emails. With a modular Builder like Dartagnan, you have a rich library of modules that you can adapt and personalize according to your brand’s universe.

🚀 Dartagnan makes the difference

In addition to the variety of elements that Dartagnan offers, our Email Builder is also the only one that allows for agile and advanced customization of your modules to align your email design with your brand image.

Furthermore, in line with our philosophy, a team of experts will support you from the onboarding phase to analyze your needs and work with you to establish a module pack perfectly suited to your brand image and the goals of your email strategy.
Ultimately, Dartagnan is a combination of both LEGO and Playmobil. Your bricks are delivered customized and ready to use, and you have the freedom to structure them as you see fit.

🔥 What is the added value for improving your email production processes?

Industrialization! Only an agile modular system like Dartagnan allows you to generate a large volume of emails in a very short time. Use your modules, recombine them endlessly, duplicate your campaigns, quickly adapt all your content (images, text, etc.), and easily generate a high volume of campaigns in record time!

Want to perfect the design of your emails? Discover in detail how the Dartagnan Email Builder makes it easier to design your email campaigns.

Compatibility management: How to ensure responsive display of your campaigns for all your audience

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La compatibilité de vos emails, c’est leur capacité à s’adapter aux différentes configurations de lecture et à s’afficher correctement, quels que soient le device, l’adresse et le client mail.

What offerings are available in the market?

Today, most builders promise responsive emails. However, the reality is quite different. Either you produce emails where the mobile version is “broken,” or you are forced to degrade the user experience based on the display configuration. Additionally, market changes, operating systems, and/or email clients can degrade templates that were initially well-responsive.

Améliorer vos process de production emailing

🚀 Dartagnan makes the difference

Dartagnan est le seul Builder en capacité de vous garantir presque 100% de compatibilité de vos emails. Comment ?

  • Thanks to the independent customization of your campaigns based on breakpoints (customizing your campaigns independently so that they adapt to each type of display).
  • Because Dartagnan is the only builder that owns its code. Conclusion: our Dev & Product teams continuously update our solution to maintain the best compatibility rate regardless of market changes.
  • Because Dartagnan provides you with dedicated teams to offer personalized solutions for specific compatibility issues.

🔥 What is the added value?

With over 43% of emails opened on mobile, you can no longer afford to overlook the quality of responsiveness. Thanks to Dartagnan, you don’t have to worry about keeping up with market changes. Most importantly, you can generate perfectly responsive emails with ease.

Dynamic feed feature: How to industrialize the production of your product campaigns

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To explain it simply, a dynamic feed is an extract from your product database and a way to incorporate it into your emails. Let’s say your database contains information such as a product image, its name, price, quantity, and availability. You use variables in your emails, and all of these elements will display in place of those variables. We refer to them as dynamic feeds because all of this data changes constantly.

Improve your email production processes

🚀 Dartagnan makes the difference

La fonctionnalité “Flux dynamique” de Dartagnan fait la différence à plusieurs niveaux.

  • It greatly simplifies the process. You enter the link to your feed in Dartagnan. Thanks to our dedicated feature, you can easily call your dynamic feeds with just one click.
  • Dartagnan fetches your product feed several times a day. You can even manually call these feeds at your convenience. In other words, the data in your emails is constantly up to date.
  • Dartagnan also allows you to modify the content pulled from dynamic feeds. Therefore, if you wish to make any changes, you are not constrained at all.

🔥 What is the added value?

To improve your email production processes, this feature is particularly strategic for brands that need to manage a large volume of campaigns and a high number of products. One click, one ID, and you load all your catalogs and databases into your emails.

Integrated quality control: How to sleep soundly

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Any CRM professional knows this: in the email production processes, testing is a necessary step and, unsurprisingly, it takes time. From the weight of links to ALT text, there are numerous aspects to check to ensure a good delivery and display rate for your campaigns. These are many details that, when accumulated and multiplied by the number of campaigns produced, quickly become a real headache, consuming an enormous amount of time.

Améliorer vos process de production emailing - contrôle qualité

What offerings are available in the market?

Either the builders do not integrate quality control, or their scope is limited.

🚀 Dartagnan makes the difference

Dartagnan provides you with access to its integrated and extremely comprehensive quality control that covers several verification categories: weight (HTML, media, fonts), spam words, text-to-image ratio, unused elements, links, subjects, fonts, alternative text, and more.

🔥 What is the added value?

  • Security: If your Dartagnan quality control is in the green, it ensures compliance with email best practices, helping to secure your campaigns and improve your deliverability rate.
  • Time: Dartagnan lists all the elements to check and correct for you, all without leaving our Builder. That’s one less mental burden!

Live preview and mirror links: How to speed up your collaboration and validation processes

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Both features allow you to generate a test email for your campaigns, but they complement each other at different levels. The mirror link enables you to create an online version of your email that you can then share with anyone in your organization (whether or not they have access to Dartagnan). The Live Preview, on the other hand, allows you to preview your email and the changes you make in real-time. This helps you speed up your creation processes, validate your modifications in real-time, or, conversely, adjust your content based on the rendering.

Improve your email production processes - mirror link

🚀 Dartagnan makes the difference

Dartagnan is currently the only builder that offers a Live Preview. Generate a QR code for your campaign, scan it on any display device of your choice, and conduct your tests in real-time.

🔥 What is the added value?

Previewing your campaigns and the changes you make not only helps secure your brand image but also accelerates your collaboration, correction, and validation processes.

Gone are the days of complex and time-consuming validation phases. With just one click, you can share all your campaigns with the collaborators of your choice, whether they have access to Dartagnan or not.

Workspace and access rights management: How to leverage Dartagnan to secure your email strategy and improve your email production processes

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We often don’t think about it, but the organization and agility of your workspace is often crucial to the performance of your production processes. Your workspace essentially represents the environment dedicated to you within your builder for organizing your campaigns and managing the rights and access of all team members.

🚀 Dartagnan makes the difference

First of all, Dartagnan’s workspace is unlimited: in other words, no matter the size of your organization or the number of projects, countries, or campaigns you need to manage, Dartagnan can handle it all.
Additionally, you benefit from a particularly deep level of organization. Regardless of the complexity of your hierarchies, you have the ability to create projects, folders, and subfolders according to your needs.

Dartagnan also provides administrators with the freedom to manage the rights and access of each team member independently within each project. This way, your collaborators can intervene at different levels depending on the projects being developed.

Finally, numerous features are implemented in the workspace to help you easily and quickly find any campaign produced, regardless of its creation date.

Improve your email production processes

🔥 What is the added value?

  • The better you organize your workspace and campaigns, the faster your production will be. Easily find your campaigns, duplicate them, and modify them in just a few clicks. Create as many campaigns as you want, organize them without any constraints or limits, and share them effortlessly with all the teams you collaborate with.
  • Managing the rights and access of your collaborators will help secure the management of your campaigns and your brand image. Assign appropriate rights to different levels of collaborators and protect the integrity of your campaigns and brand image within your organization.