frequently asked questions about dartagnan

Frequently Asked Questions about Dartagnan

Publié le : 25 September 2024 par Elise Hosemans

Is the Dartagnan Email Builder easy to use? Do I need technical skills to use Dartagnan?

Dartagnan is a Drag-and-Drop Email Builder that is intuitive and very easy to use. You simply drag and drop your modules to design, customize, and modify your campaigns in just a few minutes, all without any technical skills.

Dartagnan also has many features that make your daily email production easier:

  • A set of 15 to 20 pre-integrated modules: Our team assists you from the onboarding phase to identify the modules that meet your needs and integrate them into your client space.
  • Independent breakpoint management: Breakpoints represent different display configurations: Desktop, Tablet, Mobile. An exclusive feature of Dartagnan, independent management of your breakpoints allows you to choose the view in which you design your emails and adapt the structure and content of your emails to the devices of your recipients.
  • Integrated image editing: Dartagnan offers you the ability to modify and crop your visuals directly in our editor without the need for third-party software.
  • Dedicated support team: When you encounter difficulties in designing your campaigns, our Support team resolves your issues and answers your questions within an average of 30 minutes.

Is the Dartagnan solution compatible with my routing solution?

Dartagnan provides you with an API that allows any tool (ESPs + internal tools) to connect to the solution to list and import exports of all your campaigns.

Additionally, thanks to the webhooks that will soon be available in our solution, you will be able to easily connect Dartagnan to all your digital solutions and automate your production processes.

As of now, several Marketing Automation tools have already developed a connector with Dartagnan: Actito, Dialog Insight, Adobe, Selligent, Salesforce…

Why pay for a dedicated solution when I already have a builder in my Marketing Automation tool?

The core business of your Marketing Automation solutions lies in managing your database and orchestration. If you want to go further in terms of design, customization, and quality, you will need to choose a dedicated Email Builder for the following reasons:

  • Restricted features of integrated builders – This is especially true when it comes to the design of your campaigns, which often results in very standardized campaigns and/or a degradation of your brand image. If you want to avoid this pitfall, you will need to rely on external agencies or dedicated design teams to create your campaigns. These processes are not agile, are very time-consuming and costly, and lead to a loss of autonomy and responsiveness.
  • Compatibility issues – The builders integrated into your Marketing Automation solutions do not produce the highest quality HTML code. Customer experience shows that the mobile version of campaigns created with these tools rarely displays correctly. What you save in purchase costs or subscriptions to your solutions, you lose in production costs: longer testing phases, extended production times to create different compatible versions, etc. Moreover, the degradation of user experience on mobile versions significantly lowers your conversion and transformation rates.
  • Increased dependence on routing teams – The lack of agility of these solutions forces you to rely on routing teams for even the smallest modifications to your campaigns. The consequences include a lack of responsiveness, decreased productivity, and poor time to market.

In conclusion, the rationale of saving on the cost of a third-party solution is only efficient if you do not have major issues regarding productivity or enhancing your brand image. Otherwise, the additional costs imposed by your integrated solutions can prove to be significantly higher than those invested in an Email Builder like Dartagnan, without any guarantee of performance and quality in the end.

What is the added value of Dartagnan?

Dartagnan provides you with:

  • Total creative freedom: The ability to deploy your brand image in emails without constraints, respecting your branding and graphic charter.
  • High-quality code: Ensures the stability of the solution, securing and maintaining the compatibility of all your campaigns.
  • Complete autonomy for your teams: Enables design, adaptation, and modification of your campaigns without external assistance.
  • Access to innovative features: Support for implementing them, along with tailored services provided by our experts.
  • Our Support team’s methodology: Available continuously to answer all your questions and needs in under 30 minutes.
  • Our expertise and experience: Gained from working with some of the biggest brands in the industry.

Are the emails generated in Dartagnan compatible across all reading configurations?

Dartagnan is the only Email Builder on the market that can guarantee you a compatibility rate of over 95%. This is crucial, given that more than 50% of B2C Email Marketing campaigns are opened and read on mobile devices.

The features that enable Dartagnan to produce 100% responsive code are as follows:

  • A unique Interface: The independent breakpoint management in Dartagnan allows you to visualize the rendering of your campaigns on the display configuration of your choice. You have control over the customization and rendering regardless of the display device: desktop, tablet, or mobile.
  • Advanced personalization and total agility: The vast majority of email builders only allow partial customization of the mobile view. You design your campaigns for a desktop view, and either the mobile view is entirely and automatically generated by the email builder, or you can only customize a few limited options. With Dartagnan, you can intervene and customize almost all elements of your campaign based on the device. Each of these views is independent of one another. In other words, you can modify the mobile or tablet views to adapt and personalize them as you wish.
  • Integration of replacement content: It is not uncommon today to want to push the boundaries of email design and integrate dynamic or even innovative elements. The problem is that these elements are often incompatible with a large majority of reading configurations. Dartagnan allows you to integrate a replacement content (static image) that will display in case of reading incompatibility. The result: either the dynamic element (Video, Slider, Countdown, etc.) displays and it’s a win, or the replacement content takes over, ensuring nothing is degraded.
  • A proprietary solution: An almost unprecedented situation in the market, Dartagnan owns its code and email rendering engine. This allows our Product team, which is continuously monitoring, to regularly update its source code to maintain compatibility standards and address over 95% of display configurations.
  • A unique testing laboratory on the market: The Device Lab is a testing laboratory consisting of over a hundred devices. This lab enables our team to continuously test and verify our clients’ campaigns across all the most common display configurations and to report any issues back to the R&D team.
  • Dartagnan Support: CRM and Marketing teams are never immune to new problems that they may not have the means to resolve. That’s why our teams support each of our clients throughout their journey, particularly through our Support team, which addresses client issues promptly.

How can Dartagnan help me improve my email marketing performance and accelerate my team’s processes?

The numbers speak for themselves. Today, the Dartagnan solution and our methodology have enabled our clients to quadruple the number of campaigns produced per month, reduce their annual email production costs by a factor of ten, and generate over €2 million from promotional campaigns.


  • A modular email design system: By providing you with a library of modules instead of pre-built templates, Dartagnan paves the way for the industrialization of your email production. Only an agile modular system like Dartagnan’s will enable you to generate a large volume of emails in a very short time. Use your modules, recombine them endlessly, duplicate your campaigns, quickly adapt all your content (images, text, buttons, etc.), and easily generate a high volume of campaigns in record time!
  • Integrated quality control: Our Quality Control allows you to thoroughly test all your campaigns and lists the points to optimize for securing the display of your emails. This reduces mental load and saves you time during your testing and validation phases.
  • Live preview and mirror link: These two features allow you to generate a test email of your campaigns, but they complement each other at different levels. The mirror link lets you create an online version of your email that you can share with anyone in your organization. The Live Preview enables you to preview your email along with any modifications you make in real time. In both cases, Dartagnan helps you accelerate your processes for creating, validating, and correcting your campaigns.

What features are available in Dartagnan?

Dartagnan offers you all the functionalities that you will find in any other email builders on the market, whether they are integrated into your marketing automation solutions or are standalone email builders.

What sets Dartagnan apart? The agility of our system and the advanced customization capability of each element, even the most innovative ones. With Dartagnan, you won’t encounter any limits in design or conception. You have full control to adapt and personalize 100% of the elements in your campaign, allowing you to harmonize your brand image across all your communication channels.

Among our most dynamic and distinctive features:

  • The Background
  • The Video
  • The Hover Effects
  • The Sliders
  • The Management of Rounded Corners
  • The use of dynamic feeds
  • An interface to organize your campaigns
  • Integration of custom fonts
  • Management of tracking links
  • Advanced quality control
  • Image editing

What types of innovative emails can we create with Dartagnan?

Dartagnan also provides you with a Design Studio where our experts can handle the design and development of customized and ultra-innovative campaigns.

Here are some examples of innovative campaigns developed by our Design Studio:

  • Interactive email: Navigate within an email? It’s possible thanks to our interactive emails that offer a user experience similar to that of a website.
  • Gift Finder: Give your users the ability to answer multiple-choice questions within the email and automatically generate a product selection that matches their responses.
  • Click To Reveal: Blur your visuals to create an effect of anticipation and surprise, inviting your users to click in the email to reveal the product.

How can Dartagnan help us enhance our product catalog in emails?

The agility and richness of our modules will provide you with endless possibilities to showcase and highlight your products within your campaigns. Dartagnan also simplifies the automatic integration of your catalog into your emails.

Our “Dynamic Feed” feature is particularly strategic for brands that need to manage a large volume of campaigns and products. With just one click and one ID, you can easily call your product feeds and load all your catalogs and databases into your emails.